Attention All Day Student Parents:
We have received the following update regarding JAUNT bus scheduling from our Parent Assocation chair, Mrs. Cathy Chiovaro, who has been coordinating the JAUNT service for our day student families.
Hello Day Student Parents –
We have had a couple of requests about modifying our afternoon pick-up time as cadets participating in after school activities have been struggling to make the previously set time, which has caused some transportation difficulties for some of our cadets and their families.
Jaunt has agreed to move the pick-up time to 5:30 p.m. We are hopeful this extra 10 minutes allows more cadets to be able to catch the bus back to The Lake. Also please ask your cadet to keep a quick and steady pace from their afternoon activities so that they can make the bus timely. Jaunt has changed the time for us, and the parents will be changing their plans, let’s make sure the cadets are part of this solution too!
Finally, I have asked Jaunt to start this effective immediately, with the known risk that some parents may be waiting an extra 10 minutes this evening. For that I apologize. We are trying to accommodate as many as we can as smoothly and as quickly as possible. So if you had to wait because you hadn’t heard about the change yet, truly sorry, but I ask for your understanding.
Thank you.
In Service,
Cathy Chiovaro